Acid reflux diets, when done well, will result in the complete elimination of acid reflux and GERD (or heartburn) symptoms.You may already know what foods cause acid reflux for you, or maybe it occurs no matter what you eat.If this is your experience, consider FOOD COMBINING PRINCIPLES.Aside from structural causes (a hiatal hernia or valve problems, etc.), let's look at diet. Remember that diet isn't just food consumed; it's everything consumed,including liquids.
The lack of FRESH salad and/or vegetables with meals and avoiding certain foods!Many people I talk to claim that adjustments to their diet are not successfully producing an acid reflux or heartburn cure. The biggest mistakesomeonecan do with acid reflux diets is avoiding certain foods and doing nothing else. This limits your food choices and many times is not an effective way to prevent reflux. Try this: Next time you have pasta, add a salad to the meal. For most people, this is enough to stop the reflux before it starts.What's More Important Than Avoiding Certain Foods?When and how you eat them, this makes all the difference in the world! Imagine that tomato paste causes your reflux to inflame, but then you add one thing to that same meal and magically the reflux never appears. Sounds simple, right?
IT IS SIMPLE!Learn about FOOD COMBINING PRINCIPLES for the acid reflux diet and why it is important!
One of the best acid reflux remedies are digestive enzyme supplements. Digestive enzymes help break your food down so that the stomach doesn't get overburdened. This increases the likelihood that reflux and indigestion symptoms will not manifest. This is more prevention than taking something to calm symptoms, which is always preferred. So, even if you have a very sensitive stomach, your acid reflux, indigestion, heartburn or bloating are reduced to nothing, because you are removing the cause - undigested or difficult to break down foods. Acid reflux remedies likeDigestEasy Enzymes, when combined with a practical acid reflux diet, prove to be, essentially a heartburn cure! DigestEasy Enzymes work with your digestive system to HELP break food down as opposed to reflux drugs which suppress stomach acid and normal digestive functions. In addition to this, one study conducted by the National Enzyme Company shows 72% more absorption of food consumed with enzymes than without enzyme supplementation. Now that's a powerful digestion! So, if most of your meals are cooked and you are having digestive problems, it would be beneficial to take digestive enzymes. No other indigestion pills come close to the PREVENTION POWER of digestive enzymes!
This can and many times does result in indigestion, reflux, heartburn, constipation and bloating. Because of this, it makes sense to use enzymes as an acid reflux remedy.