
Certified Organic Dulse Capsules!

Dulse is a Superfood Loaded with Intense Nutrition - Including Vitamins, minerals, omega 3's, potassium, iron and B12. Our Organic Dulse has been found to be very useful in my practice as a natural way to aid healthy thyroid function and supply a very good cross-section of trace minerals in a highly absorbable form. Dulse is also an excellent source of B12 which is normally easy to come by in animal foods but much more rare in plants - dulse is the exception making it an excellent way for vegans and vegetarians to get their balanced levels of B12. Dulse has a moderate level of iodine along with a full complement of trace minerals, this makes it very subtle but extremely beneficial for thyroid function even in cases of autoimmune issues. Sea vegetables have been found very useful in pulling other metals from the body and detoxification processes while providing very beneficial mineralization in a well-balanced natural whole plant format. On a personal note, I went to great lengths to provide the cleanest, purest form of dulse for our organic dulse capsules from the eastern seaboard of the United States. Dulse has been one of the most reliable whole food nutrient supplements I have used in my clinic for the last 15 years and the results for my patients have been exceptionally positive!

Dr. Lorn Allison DN

