Red Raspberry Leaf Tea is a GREAT Solution to Nausea During Pregnancy!

Red Raspberry Leaf Tea is a GREAT Solution to Nausea During Pregnancy!

Red Raspberry Leaf is rich in iron, this herb is believed to help tone the uterus, increase milk production, decrease nausea, and ease labor pains. This earthy tea absolutely saved me in my 1st trimester with both pregnancies. It was my go-to solution for nausea as a hot tea or an iced drink. This simple single ingredient tea has been recommended by midwives to women for ages as a solution for nausea as well as for strengthening of uterus and shortening of labor.

I encourage to purchase this tea in a loose leaf form. So many companies package it - but when put in a tiny tea bag, the tea is ground and you get a fraction of potency versus making it from loose leaf. My recommendation is not to mix it with other herbs as all herbs have their own effects on the body. Though many herbs are safe during pregnancy; when trying to get rid of nausea in particular - just stick with a red raspberry leaf as one ingredient tea.

BREWING is simple. I recommend 1 large tsp of loose tea in a pint jar of water, let it steep for 5-10 can drink it just like that or add honey whatever is better to your taste!

May Your pregnancy be smooth and enjoyable while the little miracle inside You grows to be super healthy!


Irina Allison



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