Vegan or a Vegetarian? As You already know, supplementing with B12 is CRUCIAL for vegans and vegetarians because it’s virtually unavailable in plant foods, where Dulse is an exception! Typically vegans and vegetarians have to supplement with non-food based supplements for Iron and B12 instead of a plant form.
Dulse makes this so much easier because it has these nutrients and more that can help vegans and vegetarians meet their nutrient needs of a healthy body being on a 100% plant-based diet. We are so happy to offer Organic DulseCapsules that thousands of our Vegan and Vegetarian clients rave about! We offer 100% Organic Dulse Capsules which are a fantastic source of B12, B6, Iron and much more. Dulse is one of the supplements I HIGHLY recommend to all of my vegan and vegetarian patients in Master The Body Clinic. Dulse is one of the very few plant foods that contain B12 and it does so in a measurable quantity that can help meet the needs of the body. B12 is critical for health!
There areMANY HEALTH BENEFITSthat Dulse mayprovide. Dulse is so mineral dense that when taken in conjunction with a beneficial diet it may positively affect the following…
Nervous System Function - Dulse is a great source of highly absorbable potassium and B12, nutrients well known for supporting healthy nervous system function.
Toxicity / DetoxIssues - Though definitive research is still pending on the use of sea vegetables to reduce heavy metal toxicity in the human body, I can tell you from a clinical perspective I have seen it work - before and after tests showing the reduction of metal toxicity using supplements such as Dulse has been very beneficial for many of my patients.
BoneHealth- Dulse Provides a full complement of trace minerals that when fully absorbed may help naturally supply the building blocks for bone strength and density.
Blood Pressure- Dulse may help with balancing HPA and Thyroid issues in tune helping to balance blood pressure.
Eye Health- With Vitamin A and all of its minerals plus Omega 3 fatty acids dulse may help stabilize vision
Immune Function - By providing raw, high enzyme activity, Dulse may help support immune function.
Thyroid Function- I have personally used Dulse extensively as part of an overall plan for treating Thyroid disorders such as High and Low thyroid function and the clinical results have been extraordinary.
Digestive Issues - The high mineralization in Dulse may help gut health by providing nutrient dense high fiber, fatty acids, and other nutrients that aid the gut in healing and maintaining healthy function.
Blood Circulation- Through all nutrients provided and potentially positive effect on glandular and thyroid function dulse may help improve circulation.
Chronic Diseases- Dulse may help play a role in overall health and disease prevention by providing the nutrients that are hard to get even in a good well-balanced diet, this is a natural food supplement that makes up for the loss of minerals in the soil of farm and land grown foods that are unfortunately grown in topsoil eroded farming.